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Productor de Superfoods | Sechiamente super alimentos |

super foods

Striving for success without hard work is like trying to reap where it hasn't been planted.  David Bly


Mexican marketer of grains and seeds 


In collaboration with our people SECHILY  can produce between 500 and 1,000 hectares of chia seed with high yield, both conventional and certified organic, pint or white, the places where we mainly grow are Guanajuato, Queretaro and Jalisco,  So  same, our  company  You can cultivate and/or separate the production that you have year after year, this will give you the security of having product every time you require it, our warehouses are fully suitable so that the product can be stored correctly throughout the year. Added to this  Sechimente is cultivating white pearl Quinoa in grain, reaching quantities of approximately between 2,000 and 3,000 tons per year, in this way we can supply you periodically so that you can meet your customers or needs, always focusing  the best quality directly from our crops and without intermediaries.

SEVERLY  introduced to the Mexican market a wide variety of healthy products,  which can be purchased in bulk. We currently work with certified Super Foods, both the process and the product . Over time  in SECHILY we have as an objective to incorporate  new  super foods on the market  mexican ,  All this is done with the purpose of obtaining benefits for our health and emphasizing good nutrition.

We are currently  developing direct by-products from the field, all this in a natural way, conserving the same nutrients and obtaining the best results, since one of our purposes is to offer you the best product on the market with unmatched quality. Every time a customer purchases our Super Foods, they support different communities in the region,  generating work for many families, this is reflected in the quality of the product, since the principles,  ethics and  good practices of our allies, are very  important  at the time of delivery of each product. As a responsible and innovative company we are totally sure that we are your best option, since with us you will find the best treatment and attention that you need, doing business of mutual benefit,  furthermore  you can be sure of the  processes , since  Our company  I know  responsible for controlling the process  of the crop, ensuring that the product is not damaged and following a very  strict on a professional level,  getting quality Super Foods and obtaining the true flavor and freshness of the field.  

why buy with  us?
Very easy, we are totally committed to supplying a fresh product directly from our crops, we understand that each client is  different, for that reason we always adapt to the needs of each one, taking care of all the details that allow us to give you the product you need. Our clients are not only with us because of the excellent product, but because of the good relationship we have with each one of them.


Share your doubts and questions, in Sechimente it will be a pleasure to assist you  

The best  quality and service  you find  right here  

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If you want to know our Super food, da  click on the button that  you like, in Sechimente we deliver  what you need.

What does PDC mean?

La política y buenas prácticas de nuestra empresa nos lleva a obtener el mejor Producto Directamente del Campo (P.D.C.), esto nos facilita para conocer cada uno de nuestros productos a fondo y saber todo sobre la siembra, cosecha, características, distribución y venta de cada Super Alimento.
Contamos con un personal altamente experimentado y capacitado que se encarga de verificar personalmente cada lote de producto, dándonos  la seguridad de obtener la mejor calidad para todos nuestros clientes.

sale of super foods in mexico

Bulk SuperFoods!

Here  you will find all your SUPER FOODS  without the need to be search and search,  yes for  some  reason you can't find the one you want  get in touch  with us,  you  we got no problem. in dryness  We guarantee 100% the purchase of your products  without risks or delays, buy quality,  buy safe!


Superfoods in Mexico |Sechimente|

Wholesale of grains and seeds in  Mexico 

As a company that produces and distributes healthy products  in Mexico, in  dryly  us  we ensure 100% that our Superfoods are of the best quality  in order to provide you with a natural experience  only  and unmatched, each of our superfoods are carefully inspected to guarantee the quality and good condition of each one of them,  So  our clients can  take advantage of its nutrients  maximum.

raw superfoods

Sale of organic quinoa

bulk quinoa in  Mexico

quinoa seed  in wholesale

Chlorella en venta

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venta de chlorella organica a granel

tienda de ultramarinos en Monterrey

superfood courses

superfood store in  Mexico, bulk sale

quinoa producer

bulk store of superfoods in Monterrey, wholesale of quinoa and super foods in wholesale

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venta de superfoods en mexico a granel

white quinoa wholesale

donde comprar superfoods en mexico

productor de chia a granel

mayoreo de semilla de chia

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donde comprar superfoods en mexico

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