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Origin and characteristics  of Monk Fruit

Beneficios del monk

Sink your  Roots in South China  and the north of the Indochina peninsula. its scientific name,  Siraitia grosvenorii.  The  monk fruit  It is a herbaceous plant that belongs  a  the family Cucurbitaceae, native to southern China and northern Thailand. Their  fruit, whose extract is nearly 300 times sweeter than sugar, has been used in China as a low-calorie sweetener for soft drinks and in traditional medicine

Yellowish green in the shape of a small apple, with a diameter of 5-7 centimeters, the fruit houses a pulp that, when it loses its moisture, forms a thin and fragile light brown film.

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benefit effects

Monk fruit sechiamente

The sweetener made with this fruit can be useful to improve the condition of people who already suffer from these diseases, being considered as a natural treatment for obesity, when used together with a balanced diet and physical exercise.  

The  anticancer properties of the compounds that Monk fruit possesses Studies claim that it can  inhibit the growth of tumors, because they provide proteins capable of fighting cancer.

Useful for fighting free radicals mogrocides are antioxidant compounds. Being oxidative stress a factor that contributes to the appearance of various diseases and disorders.

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Monk frui natural

Monk fruit has a much nicer, smoother sweetness that tastes more like real sugar. It does not raise blood sugar and you can find it in powder form.

It can be consumed in teas or fresh waters, as long as the doses that seem most appropriate are measured,  you can also make cakes, cookies among many other things more than  cake shop.

Monk fruit in Mexico 

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