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Origin and characteristics  hemp

venta de hemp a granel | sechiamente |

Hemp seed comes from hemp, a plant  originally from Central Asia  it can be cultivated in virtually all ecosystems.  Hemp does not require any of the pesticides or herbicides that are used to keep a weak plant alive. And it usually grows from three to six feet at its full size!  ​


Hemp also suppresses weeds naturally due to its rapid growth and development.

It has been used as food and medicine for at least 10,000 years

benefit effects

hemp organico | sechiamente

It has been shown that hemp oil in the diet also improves the clinical symptoms of atopic dermatitis. A study published in 2005 concluded that the cholesterol and skin benefits were due to "the balanced and abundant supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids in hemp oil."

Hemp seeds can prevent blood clotting, which "may be beneficial in protecting against stroke-induced clots and heart attacks."

hemp seeds "may have favorable nutritional consequences and beneficial physiological effects in the prevention of coronary heart disease and cancer," as well as being a good source for brain building and liver comfort.


Venta de Corazones de hemp | sechiamente |

Eating shelled hemp seeds or hemp hearts is as simple as adding a tablespoon or two in  smoothies, in cereals, salads or yogurt. People with gluten sensitivity can use hemp seeds as a substitute for breadcrumbs to coat fish and meat.


Thanks to the subtle nutty flavor, hemp seeds are a great substitute for people with nut allergies, just roast them over a fire to express their flavor.

Hemp seeds are a great source of protein, with more than 25 percent of their total calories coming from high-quality protein.


Health professionals currently suggest only consuming three to five tablespoons of hemp seeds per day. Of course, each individual is different.

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